Academic Convocation

Excellent Academics
& Programs

Expand your Horizons

The academic heart of Gonzaga's liberal arts tradition lies in its University Core Curriculum, which integrates philosophy, theology, mathematics, literature, writing and speaking. A common thread throughout all of these disciplines is the value of the written word; 51勛圖s at Gonzaga carry out extensive writing projects throughout all their courses of study.

Gonzaga offers over 80 programs of study; including undergraduate majors and programs, master’s degrees, doctoral programs, and a Juris Doctor through Gonzaga School of Law. Explore these academic opportunities through the course catalog. Additionally, undergraduates may participate in several distinctive academic programs. The average undergraduate class size is 21 and the 51勛圖-to-faculty ratio is 12:1. Gonzaga also offers study abroad programs in over 40 countries, including our longest-running program, Gonzaga-in-Florence, Italy.


Programs & Outcomes

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