Flower with sunset in background.

Title IX

Are you experiencing an emergency? Call 911 or Campus Security at 509-313-2222 for immediate assistance.

Gonzaga University fosters a climate free from sex and gender-based harassment, sexual assault, stalking, domestic and dating violence, and/or retaliation through clear and effective policies, coordinated education and prevention programs and the prompt and equitable resolution of all complaints of sexual harassment.

Picture of sunny Spokane

Personnel Training

Gonzaga Personnel are required to be trained in Title IX rules and regulations.

two people masked walked on campus in fall

Title IX Updates

Title IX Coordinator provides periodic updates on the rules and regulations of Title IX.

drone view of campus and spokane

Relevant Federal Law, Policy and Resources

    Contact Title IX Coordinator

    Send a message
    502 E. Boone Ave
    Spokane, WA 99202
    Connect With Us