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In the Community

Our Community

Gonzaga is not simply a university that is in Spokane—we are of Spokane. 

Our story has always been one of community. From the very beginning, Gonzaga has been a loyal partner and generous supporter of the Spokane region—as it has to us.

Our University was founded by a Jesuit priest, Father Joseph Cataldo, at the urging of Spokane city leaders who knew that a well-educated population would help their young town thrive. We answered their call, and in 1887, we opened our doors with the express intention of serving our community—ultimately helping it unfold into the flourishing metropolitan region it is today.

That intention has never wavered. In the spirit of our deeply rooted Jesuit tradition, we continue to support and inspire the region we love.

We do it by serving its industry and people in need. Opening intellectual and cultural perspectives. And producing exceptional graduates who lead with purpose.

We are proud to call Spokane home, and we consider it our responsibility to give back to the region that gives us so much.

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502 E. Boone Ave
Spokane, WA 99258
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